In the "In-Between" Part II: 10 Liminal II artists delve into what's at the the center of it all
"This theme, liminal caught my attention because it made me think about liminal space which is a little like being in limbo. To me, it’s...
In the "In-Between" Part II: 10 Liminal II artists delve into what's at the the center of it all
In the In-Between, Liminal II artists delve into what's at the the center of it all
Call for ART: Chasing Ghosts VII: Piercing the Veil through Remembrance, Legacy, & beyond
LIMINAL II is live in Verum Virtual
Liminal II
May these Layers linger
Peeling back the layers
The Strata SHOP is OPEN
STRATA: Manifesting Through the Layers