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Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Sep 6, 20211 min read
8th Annual Abstract Catalyst Exhibition 49 Works Revealed
This year's edition of the Abstract Catalyst cascades onto the screen like a waterfall of beauty and elegance with the unfamiliar...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Aug 12, 20214 min read
The Liminal Artists Celebrate & Share Insight
Artists create in all circumstances and against all odds, additionally they are the listeners, the watchers, and the gatekeepers of the...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Aug 4, 20211 min read
MOMENTUM: Verum Ultimum Is On the MOVE
NEWS: Verum Ultimum is moving and during the transition Verum's strong virtual presence will be in full force with new exhibitions, the...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Jul 15, 20213 min read
LIMINAL Repoussé Part 2: The shaping of a pivotal & timely exhibit
Between the artist and their work... A LOOK AT THE MOLDERS (Part 2) Artists respond to the theme, LIMINAL... "The artwork ‘Ascending’...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
May 4, 20212 min read
8th Annual Living Mark OPENS with Exuberance, Fanfare, and Breadth
This past Saturday afternoon in the quaint Northeast Portland neighborhood of Concordia, Verum Ultimum celebrated the exquisite...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Feb 11, 20212 min read
ARTIST-A-DAY-BLOG: Inside A Generous Kingdom V & the Transcendent Reach of Elisabeth Ladwig's Lens
A Generous Kingdom V: Art that explores story, symbolism, and beyond opened with the vision of "The Dreamer" by Elisabeth Ladwig, so it...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Feb 10, 20212 min read
ARTIST-A-DAY-BLOG: Inside A Generous Kingdom V and the Visual Poetry of artist, Susan Deaton
"I would make a pot of coffee for the long conversation I would like to have with M.C. Escher." Susan Deaton How does your work interact...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Feb 9, 20212 min read
ARTIST-A-DAY BLOG: Inside A Generous Kingdom V with artist, Diane Lamboley
"The spirit of what was and is becomes the thought of what may be." Diane Lamboley How does your work interact with the theme of “A...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Feb 8, 20213 min read
ARTIST-A-DAY-BLOG: Inside A Generous Kingdom V & the Complex Visual Tapestries of artist Maggy Aston
"I’ve always been drawn to images of murkiness, of clouds and fog banks, smoke, forms emerging from shadows or disappearing into grounds...
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
Feb 7, 20212 min read
ARTIST-A-DAY BLOG: Inside A Generous Kingdom V and the Mixed Media Realm of artist, Olivia Watson
"I want to create moments where it feels like maybe you’re witnessing something intimate. It’s a peek into the private lives of spirits...
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